Now, I recognize that biblical archeological discoveries conflict with those who think Judeo/Christian religious services are “magic shows” because the Bible has proven to be the world’s ...
2 Peter 3:16 Ever since the Protestant Revolt in the 16th century, the Catholic Church has been accused of ignoring, opposing, hiding and even destroying the Bible in order to keep it from the people.
Firstly, we need to establish how the Bible refers to the Minoans, as a different name is actually used for them. The name “Minoans” is a modern term invented by modern scholars, derived from the ...
Our bodies are exalted (held in high regard) and called a temple (a building for worship) on purpose. In the Bible, the temple is a holy place where God resides, and that is in us. Would you expect to ...
The Bible is filled with stories of God giving His people victory in battle. As humans, we will face temptation and battles, but God has overcome the world and we are promised victory through faith!
Did Jesus love the adulteress and the prostitute? Absolutely. There are two remarkable stories showing how Jesus cared for all types of people. The religious folks called the Pharisees in the time of ...