Gow went on to describe how vital Newey was to the setup under Christian Horner, and that trying to replace the 66-year-old ...
Among the wealth of memories being shared, Adrian Newey’s wife Amanda came onto her Instagram account to deliver a heartfelt ...
Fernando Alonso said he was lucky not to take other drivers out of the race with him when he suffered a brake failure.
Christian Horner has shared a memory from when he first met Eddie Jordan, when he was an aspiring F1 driver. Before becoming ...
Eddie Jordan may have sold Formula 1's Silverstone-based team back in 2005 but he played a huge role as Aston Martin last ...
Mercedes are yet to decide on the future of their current line-up, with Antonelli still an unknown quantity in spite of his ...
Eddie Jordan has passed away at the age of 76; Jordan had an F1 team for 15 seasons, winning four races; Irishman recently oversaw Adrian Neweys transfer from Red Bull to Aston Martin and led a consor ...
Max Verstappen has been handed a date for when he could potentially leave Red Bull and join Mercedes, by rival Formula 1 boss ...
F1 community pays tribute to Eddie Jordan, legendary team owner and broadcaster, remembering his lasting impact.
McLaren's Zak Brown believes that Max Verstappen will wave goodbye to Red Bull after F1 2025, and "bet" on where he will end ...
Eddie Jordan, former owner of the Jordan Grand Prix F1 team, passed away at age 76 after battling aggressive cancer. Known ...