Kill Team is finally getting a Tyranid Kill Team! And it's ravenous. Say hello to the upcoming Kill Team Typhon Box!
The forces of the Imperium fight the Xenos factions, the Xenos fight among themselves, and Chaos is, well… Chaos. But if there’s one thing that the factions of 40k can agree on, it is this ...
Warhammer 40K fans participate in great debates on forums ... The Genestealer Cults are secretive societies of humans that have come to worship a xenos god. Controlled by a powerful breed of ...
We've all heard of the big four - but did you know there were MORE Imperial Assassin Temples - including one purged for it's good.
Warhammer 40k is a vast grimdark setting filled with bloodthirsty daemons, ancient and arrogant xenos, and ruthless religious zealots. The numerous factions that occupy the 41st millennium are ...