Photo and video apps targeting young adults with social hooks are a dime a dozen these days, so those that show traction with 18-twentysomethings tend to
If you're looking to view someone's Snapchat stories without them knowing (anonymously), here are four simple tricks you can try right now.
Instagram is a force of nature, but it's not the only social network out there. If you're tired of using Instagram for any reason, you'll find many alternatives focused on photo sharing, messaging, and real connection.
On February 1, Snapchat officially introduced a new, unified monetization program for creators. They must post at least 25 times monthly to Saved Stories or Spotlight. They must post to either Spotlight or Public Stories on at least 10 of the last 28 days.
Policymakers need to look at TikTok as a systemic social media issue and create effective measures that protect children online,” said Dr. Jason Nagata in a January UCSF article covering the study. “TikTok is the most popular social media platform for children,
A report by Australias online safety regulator revealed that children can easily bypass social media age restrictions, prompting the government to enforce a landmark ban for users under 16 by late 2025.