After early victories in the long-running battle, including a decision by Tower Hamlets council to block the Chinese state’s first planning application on security grounds in 2022, Nygate and his ...
UK intelligence services has warned against allowing China to build their new ‘super embassy’ next to critical communication cables. China has proposed to turn the former Royal Mint building in Tower ...
China wants to turn the Royal Mint buildings, near Britain's financial centre, into its new super Embassy under controversial plans backed by two high-ranking Labour top benchers.
The map below shows the location of Beijing and London. The blue line represents the straight line joining these two place. The distance shown is the straight line or the air travel distance between ...
Starmer’s Government is re-making the age-old mistakes in China diplomacy all over again. Those who frame the debate as a choice between whether or not to engage Beijing are proposing a false ...
Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong rank among the world's top 10 innovation cities, alongside other cities from the United ...
Beijing 2008 provided China with a huge opportunity ... The Games closed with the passing of the Olympic flag to Mayor of London Boris Johnson, and with the flag came the immense pressure on ...
The airport location map below shows the location of London Heathrow Airport (Red) and Beijing Capital International Airport(Green). Also find the air travel direction. Find out the flight distance ...
Join the official group on the Queen Mary Network A warm welcome to the Beijing Alumni Chapter which has been set up to develop links between alumni, students and staff of Queen Mary University of ...