Friesian bull calves below 21 days of age sold for an average price of €146/head last week with Friesian bulls from 21-42 ...
The Department for Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) has submitted a proposal to the European Commission on GAEC 2 ...
The high weekly beef kills have continued into mid-March with over 37,000 head of cattle slaughtered at DAFM approved ...
The annual "National Ag Week" in the US seeks to "raise awareness about the importance of agriculture in everyday life".
Pro Silva Ireland, an all-Ireland organisation dedicated to promoting continuous cover forestry has launched its new handbook ...
Grass growth is gradually improving with milder and damper conditions in store, but many farmers are getting tight on grass ...
The European Living Lab project kicks off with a call for farmers across Ireland's midwest keen to learn more about the initiative.
CAP accounted for 65% of Ireland’s drawdown from the EU budget, showing the strong prioritisation of farmers its EU fund allocation.
Suckler cow numbers in Ireland have fallen by 270,000 head while the number of dairy cows increased by 316,000 head.
Gardaí have confirmed that a search will continue tomorrow for 56-year-old Michael Gaine who was reported missing from his ...
The strong milking cow and heifer trade continued at the 159th Carnaross dairy sale in conjunction with Taaffe Auctions Ltd.
DAFM is" taking action to protect Irish livestock" following further outbreaks of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) in central ...