I am thrilled to announce that I’m embarking on a new journey as a Consultant with OpenBCI! I couldn’t be more… Read more » ...
Welcome to the OpenBCI Community page - a page for you by you! This is a place where members of the community can discuss relevant research, news, tutorials and projects. To become a member and make a ...
OpenBCI creates open-source tools for biosensing and neuroscience. OpenBCI’s mission is to lower the barrier to entry for brain-computer interfacing, while ensuring that these technologies are adopted ...
OpenBCI will use the information you provide on this form to be in touch with you and to provide updates and marketing. We generally will only communicate via email. You can unsubscribe at any time by ...
We are looking for talented candidates for a variety of roles across Software, Hardware, Product, Operations, Design, and Sales functions. Our office is in Brooklyn, NY and we are currently looking ...