By 1895, the United States was a very different nation than it had been in 1865. The Civil War was over, the American ... about the Spanish officers. Marti (1853-1895), a Cuban émigré who ...
A VETERAN OFFICER OF THE CIVIL WAR. TimesMachine is ... be no rash forward movement on Cuba, permit me to say there is one most urgent reason why the invasion of Cuba should not be delayed four ...
Yellow fever was first reported in Cuba in ... When the Spanish-American War was declared, thousands of U.S. volunteers entered training camps in the southeastern United States.
On Feb. 6, 1899, Congress approved the Treaty of Paris, which also ceded the Philippines, Puerto Rico and Guam to the U.S.
The US is moving towards ending its 50-year political and economic embargo on Cuba, a breakthrough in ... which was used as a justification for the Spanish-American War (It's now believed that ...
A Spanish colony since the 15th century, following Christopher Columbus’s conquest of America, Cuba has always aspired to ...