State Rep. Maurice West, D-Rockford ... “Words matter, and a derogatory mascot in Illinois or in other states affect me, who ...
A proposed Illinois law would prohibit public schools from using mascots with derogatory names for people with disabilities.
A long-standing mascot tradition in Freeburg, Illinois, could soon come to an end, as a new bill in the Illinois General Assembly would ban school mascots that reference disabilities.
A new bill would require schools in Illinois to change "the problematic names of certain mascots" if it becomes law.
A proposed state bill could make Freeburg High School change its controversial mascot, the “Midgets ... Mascots Matter members plan to travel to Illinois to help West push for the Prohibition ...
(WAND) — Native Americans across Illinois headed to Springfield Wednesday to celebrate recent laws and promote a new bill to ban stereotyped school mascots. In the state capitol building they ...
Mascots Matter” holds a conference to discuss prohibiting public schools from using discriminatory disability mascots.
State Rep. Maurice West ... “Words matter, and a derogatory mascot in Illinois or in other states affect me, who lives on the other side of Illinois, and they affect people with dwarfism ...
FREEBURG — A proposed state bill could make Freeburg High School change its controversial mascot, the "Midgets ... Matter members plan to travel to Illinois to help West push for the Prohibition ...