A group of whale watchers, look in horror as a huge humpback whale emerges from the water and swallows two kayakers whole!
A study reveals that whales vocalise less during marine heatwaves to kill their prey, linking climate change to changes in ...
A new study has found that whale songs can act as a barometer for the effects of climate change on ocean ecosystems.
Scientists have spent a lot of time thinking about how the nutrients in whale feces—also known as whale pump —benefit species ...
Blue whales migrate during summer to feed in colder regions where krill is plentiful, like in the waters off California. They return to warmer regions such as the Gulf of California and the eastern ...
Whales are a group of mammals that live in oceans. They include some of the largest animals on Earth. The blue whale is the ...
“One big difference is that whales are often traveling thousands of miles across ocean basins–great whales undertake the ...
The finding indicates whale songs could serve as a barometer for their overall health, the study said. ‘It is a window into their lives.’ ...
New research shows that whales move nutrients thousands of miles—in their pee and poop—from as far as Alaska to Hawaii, ...
Now we can add whale urine to that list, according to a paper published in the journal Nature Communications. “Lots of people ...
There are over 90 whale species. Some of the most famous whale species are humpback whales, sperm whales, blue whales and narwhals. Despite their name, killer whales — or orcas — are not whales.
The waters of the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary off central California are rich feeding grounds for blue, fin and humpback whales that cruise the coast during their annual migrations.