Rasmus Paludan, one of the world's most hunted ... Momika faced death threats due to his acts of burning the Quran. Paludan has also discussed "Islam's growing dominance in the West".
An anti-Islam extremist has again burned copies of the Holy Quran near a mosque and outside the Turkish embassy in Denmark's capital Copenhagen. Rasmus Paludan, a far-right activist who holds both ...
Den dansksvenske politiker Rasmus Paludan rykker nu tilsyneladende en ophedet strid mellem Sverige og Tyrkiet til dansk grund. I hvert fald meddeler den højreorienterede dansk-svenske politiker ...
TASS/. Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov lashed out on Monday at Rasmus Paludan, leader of the extreme rightist party Hard Line, who publicly burned a copy of the Quran in Stockholm, saying he is a ...
Rasmus Paludan, der har annonceret en demonstration ... for at "mindes mordet på Salwan Momika og demonstrerer imod islam". TV 2 forsøger at få en kommentar fra Københavns Politi.
Rasmus Paludan har lørdag brændt en koran af foran Tyrkiets ambassade i København i protest over, at Københavns Politi forbød ham at demonstrere fredag efter mordet på koranafbrænderen ...
On Saturday, January 21, Rasmus Paludan, leader of the extreme rightist party Hard Line, burned a sacred for the Muslims book, the Holy Quran, in protest against Turkey's position on a number of ...
Lederen af Stram Kurs, Rasmus Paludan, erklærer på Twitter, at han på onsdag vil brænde en koran af i den britiske by Wakefield i protest imod de trusler, en 14-årig skoledreng modtog, da han ...
Some protesters attending at least one of the rallies staged against a plan by Rasmus Paludan, the leader of Denmark’s far-right anti-immigration Hard Line party, to burn a copy of the Quran in ...
“The ministry has reaffirmed the Malaysian Government’s strong condemnation over right-wing politician Rasmus Paludan’s vile act of burning the Holy Quran in Stockholm on Jan 21, 2023.
Rasmus Paludan, who leads the far-right Danish anti ... Paludan last year attracted media attention for burning a Quran wrapped in bacon - a meat that is anathema for Muslims.
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