N ed Flanders- the good-hearted Christian and rival of Homer Simpson- has been the Simpsons' neighbor since Day One. Aside from being a God-fearing Man of Faith and owner of various left-handed ...
The Simpsons started out as a show focusing on Bart, but somewhere along the way, the series pivoted its focus onto Homer.
After years of feuding with Flanders, Homer accepts his offer to attend the Springfield Atoms game with him. The event forms a close friendship and a beautiful beginning of the Homer x Flanders angst.
Then you might just enjoy this cute little piece of news: as of today, streaming service Disney+ now has a 24/7 streaming ...
Let's here it for the Pin Pals! After years of not hearing from them, the bowling team- captained by Homer, then joined by Flanders, Moe, Carl, and the new guy, Fausto. Springfield is overjoyed ...
The Homer and Ned Flanders dynamic alone in "Boy Scoutz 'N The Hood" is more than enough for this episode's much-appreciated rewatch. I always say that we need more Flanders in our world ...