Workers are on the front lines of an increasingly bleak shopping experience, and they bear the costs of understaffing, ...
DENVER (KDVR) — UFCW Local 7, the union representing 10,000 grocery workers on strike at King Soopers across Colorado, announced Monday night that it secured a return-to-work settlement for the ...
All submissions will be kept anonymous. Striking King Soopers workers [Photo: UFCW L. 7R] The strike by 10,000 grocery workers at Colorado chain King Soopers was called off Monday night after the ...
The UFCW represents around 30,000 Stop & Shop employees in New England. The tensions between the two sides raise the possibility that the chain could be engulfed in another store strike ...
A union representing Stop & Shop workers is threatening a strike at all of the supermarket ... seven stores in Massachusetts last fall. The UFCW, another union which represents 30,000 Stop ...
A union that represents 30,000 employees threatened the strike. Teamsters Local 25 said ... to take a job action against Stop & Shop, the UFCW will stand arm and arm and, in lock step with our ...
United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local 7 out on strike in Colorado. They are workers at King Soopers; the stores are owned by Kroger, which is the largest supermarket chain in the U.S. Their ...
Now, there is possibility for a major strike all across New England again ... all five New England United Food and Commerical Workers (UFCW) unions, which collectively represent 30,000 Stop ...
GRAND JUNCTION, Colo. (KJCT) - The nearly two-week strike of King Soopers workers has come to an end after King Soopers and UFCW Local 7 came to a temporary agreement. The return-to-work agreement ...
(WJAR) — Members of the unions representing Stop & Shop workers at the Freetown distribution center and thousands of other workers around New England may soon go on strike amid contract ...
The fact that Uber drivers are organizing signals that workers in the digital economy recognize the strength and protections a union can provide,” says UFCW 1518 President, Patrick Johnson.