From horror slashers like Psycho to methodical psychological thrillers like Zodiac, these are the all-time best movies about ...
The Killer is based on The Child Who Deserves to Die by Bang Jin-ho and manages to adapt the tropes of the domesticated ...
You might be wondering if "Clown in a Cornfield" is at least scary. No, it's not, and it's not trying too hard to be. The ...
One of last year’s most divisive movies has hit #2 on the Netflix charts. Trap, the 2024 psychological thriller starring Josh Hartnett and directed by M. Night Shyamalan, has quickly rocketed up the ...
One of the best serial killer movies ever made, if not the best, is currently streaming free on Tubi. What are you still doing here?
The last major animal-centric King reboot film was 2019's Pet Sematary, a remake of the 1988 film, in which King himself had a small cameo. The first King movie that was adapted into a film was the ...
Yes, the serial killer horror mystery is the sheepskin covering ... she finds that her revolver inexplicably will not fire anymore. The movie ends with Lee imploring Ruby that they need to ...
But after all this wonderfully built tension and intrigue, To Catch a Killer’s second half lets the rest of the movie down. Rather than sticking to the economical mystery building that makes the ...