When it rains too much in San Francisco, the city's wastewater treatment plant can get overloaded. An overloaded wastewater treatment plant means ...
Only a few readers of SCOTUS Today are lawyers who are professionally occupied with environmental matters. However, almost ...
In “Bostock Was Bogus: Textualism, Pluralism, and Title VII,” they argue that Gorsuch was “guilty of illicit deck-stacking” in determining that when a person is discriminated against for ...
Throughout his career on the bench, both on the Tenth Circuit and on the Supreme Court, Justice Neil Gorsuch has professed the importance of originalism and textualism and articulated what those ...
Textualism, judicial restraint, originalism were all words thrown about inside one second floor classroom at Reno High. The words may seem foreign and not easily understood. At least those were the ...