above the solar surface. This rare eruption is known as a polar crown prominence. Normally, outbursts like these occur closer to the sun's equator, because the star's magnetic field is much ...
An curved arrow pointing right. NASA's Solar Dynamic Observatory (SDO) captured a solar prominence erupting from the sun's surface. The SDO used high-definition cameras to record the prominence on ...
The giant solar eruption is a stark reminder of how volatile the Sun can be. The event was captured as a solar prominence spread out from the solar ball. Solar prominences are often associated ...
To observers on the ground, the prominences appeared as red dots ... of a vibrant and dynamic phase of its 11-year cycle when solar eruptions and other phenomena are at their peak and more likely ...
A recent study has shed new light on the dynamic evolution of solar prominences. By integrating high-resolution observational data from the one-meter New Vacuum Solar Telescope (NVST) with spectral ...
Discover how iron's opacity in the sun challenges scientific models, and how researchers are working to resolve the discrepancy.