Douglas would win just two states (free-state New Jersey and slave-state Missouri) in 1860. More alarmingly for the South, the free states other than New Jersey would for the first time vote as a ...
1860. To the Editor of the New-York Times: In your issue of Monday there was a brief account of the purchase, by H.W. BEECHER's Church, of the freedom of a little slave girl. There were one or two ...
That every intelligent, right-meaning man in every State where Slavery exists believes the institution to be productive of evil, and that the only reason why emancipation has not long since taken ...
On November 6, 1860 Abraham Lincoln was elected President of the United States -- an event that outraged southern states. The Republican party had run on an anti-slavery platform, and many ...
Published in the June 2, 1860 issue of Harper's Weekly, The Slave Deck of the Bark "Wildfire" illustrated how Africans travelled on the upper deck of the ship. On board the ship were 510 captives ...
Tubman became known as the Moses of her people and slaves owners put a bounty on her head of $40,000. Tubman made 19 trips to the South between 1850 and 1860 leading around 300 people to freedom.
The Republican Party were not popular in the South. Southerners believed that they wished to abolish slavery. In the 1860 election the Republican candidate Abraham Lincoln won all the Northern states.