It is the third straight season, and fifth in the past eight, that the county has reported a record-high number of flu cases.
Dr. Darlene Lawrence, MD and Kelly Goode, PharmD explain why flu season is so severe this year. For more information, go to ...
Weekly numbers show that 2% of U.S. deaths for week 5 were due to the flu. COVID was responsible for 1.5% of deaths in the ...
Even as more people are dying from flu, the Trump administration has postponed vaccine planning for next fall's flu season.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says the current winter presented unusually high flu risk.
The CDC has issued interim effectiveness estimates for the 2024-2025 seasonal influenza and 2024-2025 COVID-19 vaccines.
Flu activity is decreasing across Western Washington, but one doctor at UW Medicine admits the season so far has been pretty ...
The recommendations were made following a meeting that included experts from the FDA, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Department of Defense.
But even as the state is dealing with the worst flu season on record, the Oregon Health Authority says fewer Oregonians are ...
Colorado is in the midst of what could end up as the state’s worst flu season in at least 20 years.