Researchers examining seismic data recorded on Mars say the have found evidence supporting the presence of liquid water deep ...
There are different kinds of earthquake waves: body waves and surface waves. Body waves pass through the interior of the Earth whereas surface waves travel along the Earth's surface. Explain that ...
Researchers have found new evidence for a massive subsurface ocean on Mars, again raising the possibility of microbial life.
When an earthquake begins at a geological fault line, it produces a variety of types of waves, known as primary waves (P-waves), secondary waves (S-waves), and various types of surface waves.
A recording of an earthquake has recognizable characteristics. Typically, one can recognize the arrival of different wave types. The P waves (the fastest traveling waves), S waves, and Surface waves ...
A seismometer is an instrument that records the shaking of the Earth's surface caused by seismic waves. The term seismograph usually refers to the combined seismometer and recording device. The first ...
Information from three stations can be used in order to locate the epicentre of the earthquake. If we know the time lag between the arrival of P and S waves, we can calculate the distance of the ...