Totodile receives an impressive makeover thanks to one creative fan artist, reimagining the Water-type Pokemon as a musical ...
A talented Pokemon fan artist designs a new Fighting-type evolution for Eevee, one of the most popular critters introduced in ...
This model is only part one of the artist's project to draw the original 151 Pokemon as Ghost-types. Bulbasaur and its evolutions Ivysaur and Venusaur are all Grass/Poison types, and their ...
Bulbasaur is one of the most beloved Pokémon in the franchise, and Ash and May's own Pokémon have a roster of fantastic ...
Mega Evolutions allow you to power-up existing ... So if you want to Mega Evolve a Bulbasaur into Mega Bulbasaur, you need Bulbasaur Mega Energy. Mega Energy in Pokémon Go is primarily found ...
As Ash set out on the first part of his journey, he built up his team to include Pokémon caught throughout the region of ...
Z-A brings players back to Luminose City with new wild zones, real-time battles, and the return of Mega Evolutions.