And not to beat a dead horse here, but you may also want your hair to be different lengths on various parts of your body.
The best manscaping trimmers make it easy to reach and groom from head to toe. We've rounded up the five top options from brands like Braun and Phillips.
The Philips Series 7000 trimmer is a really solid option for anyone looking to cut shorter facial and body hair, offering plenty of adaptability through its fantastic 11-length comb and battery ...
On the trimmer end, the blades are self-sharpening ... grooming experience and likes to both trim and shave parts of his body, then the Philips Norelco Bodygroom Series 7000 is one of the best ...
And while there are plenty of worthy contenders to grace your jaw, in our eyes, the Philips Series 9000 Prestige Beard Trimmer might be the one true champion of facial fuzz. Philips-Norelco Amazon ...
There are many electric trimmers out there that claim to offer a smooth 'all over' shave but the reality is, they can often prove painful when pointed towards the private parts. Philips Series ...