The main brain of this pain trainer is a Particle Argon board which has I/O pins that can be controlled from the web. When the website detects a typo, it sends a signal to the Argon, which turns ...
Recently, ProtoDUNE has entered a pivotal stage: the filling of one of its two particle detectors with liquid argon. Filling such a detector takes almost two months, as the chamber is gigantic ...
The Wi-Fi-equipped Argon and Cellular-equipped Boron will ... So the mesh experiment from Particle is over, but the company and its connected dev boards are very much still with us.
Liquid argon TPCs are a new type of neutrino detector which aims ... There are also analyses, particularly those involving detailed reconstruction of complex multi-particle final states, which simply ...
LAr R&D work has continued towards characterising pixel readout with a liquid argon test stand in Sheffield and a comparison of its performance with multi-wire readout in APAs, with applications for ...