Hot weather, gusty winds and extreme lightning activity have spread critical fire conditions across parts of Oregon, fueling the Durkee Fire in the eastern part of the state, the nation’s ...
Republicans in the Oregon legislature introduced a bill on Tuesday to repeal the state's Wildfire Hazard Map, citing concerns ...
Xiaoshi DePaola, KGW SANTIAM JUNCTION, Ore. (KGW) — Investigators found no evidence of power line ignitions causing the ...
The Oregon Department of Forestry report comes five years after the 2020 fire, as PacifiCorp pushes for legislation that ...
Oregon House and Senate Republicans are continuing to push back against the state's wildfire hazard map, introducing a bill ...
The state’s wildfire maps are clearly flawed ... Almost all Central Oregon is a high risk area. As the Alameda wildfire in Oregon and others across the state and continent have shown, cities ...
La Pine residents tell us they saw a major increase in their homeowners' insurance following the Darlene 3 Fire ... with the Oregon Department of Forestry's wildfire hazard map as a cause ...
Even state Sen. Jeff Golden, D-Ashland, whose 2021 bill called for the map said he thinks it needs to go. State Sen. Anthony Broadman, D-Bend, told the Oregon Senate on Thursday he wants the map ...
Fires in California, Oregon, and Washington continue to burn out of control, with smoke traveling thousands of miles to other states. These California wildfire maps let you track the Apple fire ...