NewMed Energy LP has completed the acquisition of a 50 percent stake in the Han Asparuh block on Bulgaria’s side of the Black ...
OMV Petrom, cel mai mare producător de energie din sud-estul Europei, anunță finalizarea tranzacției cu NewMed Energy Balkan.
OMV Petrom È™i NewMed Energy Balkan îÈ™i unesc forÈ›ele pentru explorarea unui bloc offshore din Marea Neagră, situat în ...
OMV Petrom and Romgaz have spud of the first well for development and production of the Pelican South and Domino natural gas ...
OMV Petrom and ROMGAZ have commenced drilling the first well in the Neptun Deep project, which is claimed to be the largest natural gas project in the Romanian Black Sea and the first deep-water ...
Romania’s OMV Petrom has started drilling a first development well to commercialise natural gas reserves at the Pelican South and Domino fields within the Neptun Deep block in the Black Sea.
The Bulgarian unit of European fuel retailer OMV has been unable to secure deliveries from a local biofuel manufacturer despite pledges to place orders immediately, the companys director Radu ...
On a frigid morning on the Black Sea the sun is glaring into the quiet navigation room of the massive semi-submersible drilling rig Transocean Barents, anchored in Romania's Constanta port.
OMV Petrom È™i Romgaz au anunÈ›at marÈ›i începerea forajului pentru dezvoltarea È™i exploatarea zăcămintelor de gaze naturale Pelican Sud È™i Domino din perimetrul Neptun Deep, situat la 160 de km în ...
Within the next two to three weeks we will sign a contract with Shell for prospecting and exploration in the Khan Tervel block in the Black Sea, after winning the tender, said Energy Minister Zhecho ...