From 27 B.C.E. to 180 C.E., the Roman Empire saw a period of relative tranquility and prosperity now known as the Pax Romana ...
The first answer is simple: hereditary rule. For most of this period, emperors were not chosen on the basis of their ability or honesty, but simply because they were born in the right family.
Few figures in history have been as polarizing as Nero, the infamous Roman emperor who had a love affair with everything ...
The Satires, as they became known, attacked cruelty, foolishness and the corruption of Roman society. The most famous of these ... he tells how the Emperor Domitian summoned his top advisers ...
The two most powerful people in the senate were the consuls. The emperor ruled over the Roman Empire ... Caligula who ruled from AD37 to 41 and was famous for being crazy and cruel.