Where the Cup 430 is an Exige with a clear focus on aerodynamics ... then you’ll fall for the Exige Sport 410 big time. £79,900 for a Lotus Exige will be considered toppy by some, madness ...
Prior to that, Lotus relied on Rover engines for some ... Exige Cup 360, and Exige Cup 430 — delivered significantly more power, ranging from 345 to 430 horsepower. Introduced in 2009, the ...
The Cup 430's trick three-way Nitron dampers may have been dialled back a tad for the 410, but Lotus has a famous talent for combining compliance and composure, and the Exige is as happy cornering ...
Speaking about the model’s brief, Jean-Marc Gales, CEO, Group Lotus plc said: ‘We have taken the Exige Cup 430, the ultimate track-centric Exige, and developed it into the perfect road ...