Haringey Council has introduced tougher fines for errant landlords in a bid to raise housing standards across the London borough.
Candidates have been announced for a Haringey Council by-election set to take place next month for the St Ann's ward in Tottenham after ...
Haringey is facing ever-growing demands ... the council leader said: “We are a borough with outer London levels of funding but inner London levels of need. “In recent years the reality has ...
Haringey Council ramps up fines to £30,000 for landlords, enforcing strict housing rules to protect tenants and boost standards across the borough.
Life has just got that bit harder for first-time buyers trying to step on to London’s housing market. From April 1, the stamp ...
Heartlands High School is one of the happiest schools for pupils in England and Wales, according to Sunday Times analysis of data from education regulator Ofsted. Heartlands, in Station Road, Wood ...
Camden Council has called for the NHS to offer assurances to residents following this week’s “difficult” decision to close a ...
Satish Jassal Architects' new red-brick development of council homes in Haringey makes creative use of a difficult plot, and ...
Haringey Council's cabinet member for finance and corporate services Cllr Dana Carlin on the challenges faced in setting its budget ...
Wandsworth Borough of Culture, April 2025-March 2026. Haringey takes up the London Borough of Culture baton in spring 2026.
Uswitch’s new research revealed that eight of the top 10 local authorities receiving complaints about mould or damp were in London. Maintaining a warm home prevents mould from growing.