Although you may have thought it was a myth, according to the old Irish tradition, the Leap Year is the perfect chance for a woman to take matters into her own hands and get down on one knee!
Come to find out, there are plenty of leap year traditions and superstitions all around the world. Plenty of weird and wild ...
Women proposing on leap days is believed to date back to the 5th Century (Photo: Shutterstock) And she was successful. Ish. He gave her one day. Every four years. But it's said that the agreement ...
This is known as a leap year. And as always, where there are traditions, there are myths! It’s long been believed Leap Day is the one (and only!) day women can break from tradition and propose ...
Dating back to 5 th century Ireland, the leap year provided women with an opportunity to propose to their partners should their significant other take too long to do so. Initially, this permission was ...
we likely don’t get paid any extra for a leap year. Therefore, technically, anyone who is at work that day is working for free! 9. Traditionally, 29th February is the day woman propose to men It ...