An emergency call to help a skier in distress gave participants of a rescue training course a real-life opportunity to save a ...
Several ski resorts have seen 3 feet of fresh snow, with more on the way. See the list of Sierra Nevada resorts' latest ...
Billions of state and federal dollars are spent on Lake Tahoe. But is all this attention actually protecting this unique ...
The slow and bumpy 5-mile road to Fallen Leaf Lake, southwest of South Lake Tahoe, affords only one way in and one way out — ...
The season is winding down, but there's still plenty of skiing to be done across the state of California.
As part of the ski area’s 60th anniversary celebration, Mt. Rose Ski Tahoe will host the final installment of its “History of ...
including a ski resort. More than 50,000 residents and summer vacationers at the southern end of Lake Tahoe were evacuated, creating an unprecedented traffic jam. “They kept telling us it’ll n ...
If you thought Lake Tahoe's South Shore couldn't get more beautiful (and fun and awesome) than it already is, wait until you ...
Located in Vail Village, right by the base of the mountain, the Sonnealp Spa is a convenient and "exquisite" way for skiers ...