At times like this, you may be grateful for the option to cancel your LSAT and retake the test. This is where Score Preview can come in handy. It’s important to distinguish between the different ...
The writing sample is not scored but is sent to each law school to which you apply. The scores for the LSAT range from 120 to 180 points. The average is 151, but most selective law schools require a ...
Put together a target list of schools based on your LSAT score and grades. The list should include a few safety schools, some reaches and several midrange schools where your odds look decent but ...
The two most important types of logic on the LSAT are conditional and causal reasoning. Conditional reasoning may be phrased in various ways, but it can be essentially reduced to if-then statements.
Similar to choosing your LSAT test date and choosing a score to shoot for, having the right strategy is crucial. But it doesn’t have to be difficult. In this guide, we’ll cover my top three ...
The LSAT is stressful by design. It's meant to test reasoning abilities under pressure, to simulate the skills needed to study and practice law successfully. Those who do well on practice tests often ...
Also read: CMAT 2024 final answer key released at, here’s direct link to download LSAT India scores are accepted by top law colleges in India for admissions to law courses ...