First Stand 2025 is in the history books and we are here to tell you the five most picked champions at the event.
Are you ready to turn pro? Just a couple of weeks ago, we spoke about the current top meta Champions in League of Legends that you should use if you want to climb the leaderboards. Now, we're going to ...
What are the best League of Legends champions right now? Metas change, the LoL tier list will fluctuate, and it could be that your favorite champion might not be in a great place right now.
Answer: The League champion who says “There is wisdom in war” is Karma, the Enlighted One.
These types of champions are meant for carrying the rest of the team straight to victory. Other players in LoL should make sure they feed the assigned “ADC” in order to help them quickly earn ...
there is a need in the game for these types of champions, so that new players can get used to the rest of the mechanics in League of Legends. While Master Yi is frustrating to play against ...
Mordekaiser’s voice line “Shed the frailty of flesh, embrace the cold edge of iron” directly reflects his belief that flesh is weak, whereas iron (symbolizing his armor and his undying will) is strong ...
where in a now viral Reddit post Redditor cpztpkqc claims that players would now need to grind 882 hours to unlock a single new champion. In the post, they confirmed their findings from an official ...