This prompts Jesus to clap his hands, upon which the sparrows come to life and fly away. Even though it was not included in the canonical gospels, the Infancy Gospel of Thomas is nevertheless a ...
The Evangelist Luke repeatedly compares Jesus with John the Baptizer, who is not mentioned at all in Matthew’s infancy account. In Matthew’s narrative, Jesus’ birth is detected by foreign priests, the ...
Being baptized or dedicated as an infant is a wonderful starting point, but this righteous act by itself does not produce a ...
There's baby Jesus stories; the infancy Gospel of Thomas is one of these where you have the stories of the little child Jesus performing all sorts of miracles. And obviously these are developing ...
The Infant Jesus of Prague statue is thought to have been carved in Spain in the 16th century (though some argue it is older). It found its way to Prague in the mid-1500s. While the origin of the ...