“(Our) people have always lived in this ... Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971, Ukpeagvik Inupiat Corp represents a distinct Alaska Native community village tribe.
On the North Slope of Alaska, the culture of the Inupiat ... At Nalukataq, the Inupiat whaling festival in Utqiaġvik, people celebrate a productive whaling season and give thanks for the gift ...
Doreen Leavitt writes in a commentary that it is imperative that federal decisionmakers meet early and often with North Slope ...
Excerpted from The Native People of Alaska by Steve J. Langdon, published by Greatland Graphics, Anchorage, 1978. Used with permission Alaska's indigenous people, who are jointly called Alaska ...
It was an affecting scene, and it highlighted just how crucial air service is in rural Alaska communities like Golovin, an Inupiat Eskimo village of about 160 people just south of the Arctic Circle.