Timo Dersch had a close call with a humpback whale while freediving with orcas in the waters surrounding Norway ...
April, survey teams researching the current North Atlantic right whale population take to the sky to search the waters below ...
As many whales migrate south to north in the spring, it’s more typical to see the large mammals in the Grand Strand. Was one stranded in North Myrtle Beach?
Stunning footage has been captured of a humpback whale breaching off the coast of Newquay. The whale put on a spectacular show for about 35 minutes on Thursday, leaving onlookers in awe.
Is anyone here a marine biologist? A whale came in with a wave late Wednesday near Delaware Seashore State Park.
So when whales go viral in other parts of the world, like the man who was recently swallowed and spit out by a humpback whale in Chile, Washingtonians may feel like they are missing out while ...
For too long, Humpback whales' urinary contributions to the ocean have been overlooked. Photograph By Martin Van Aswegen, NOAA Permit 21476 In the deep blue water, a one-month-old humpback whale ...
There are over 90 whale species. Some of the most famous whale species are humpback whales, sperm whales, blue whales and narwhals. Despite their name, killer whales — or orcas — are not whales.
A kayaker has said he thought he was going to die when he was swallowed by a humpback whale. Adrian Simancas was off the coast of Chile, in the Strait of Magellan, when it surfaced and gobbled up his ...