But children between seven and 10 years old should be at least 1.1 metres tall and have valid travel documents, authorities ...
People applying for a Hong Kong identity card (HKID) from November 26 will receive a new type of smart card, the immigration authority announced last Thursday. This covers HKID applications from ...
A Hong Kong transgender activist who fought for seven years to change the gender on his identity card said he could "finally breathe a sigh of relief", as he prepared to collect the new document ...
The Immigration Department announces that with effect from March 31, eligible Hong Kong permanent residents aged seven or ...
Exploring a digital company ID could strengthen the UK’s financial sector, says the country’s Minister of AI and Digital ...
Hongkongers who are travelling and living in mainland China can now apply for a temporary digital permit to travel by air and ...
The privacy watchdog said on Wednesday it completed an investigation on last April's Companies Registry data leak, which affected nearly 110,000 ...