MSK’s plastic and reconstructive surgeons work closely with your head and neck surgeon to give you a coordinated, seamless experience. Reconstruction of bones and other structures is often possible as ...
Medically reviewed by David Kesselman, DC Neck crepitus refers to clicking, cracking, popping, and crunching sounds in your ...
Surgical, radiation and medical oncologists in the Baylor St. Luke's Medical Center Dan L Duncan Comprehensive Cancer Center specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of head and neck squamous cell ...
The Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery Residency Program at UAB trains residents ... Residents have 24-hour access to a five-station, fully-equipped temporal bone and sinus lab, a resident ...
Baylor Medicine ENT and MD Anderson Head & Neck Center. There is broad exposure to all neurotologic procedures involving the lateral skull base, posterior and middle cranial fossae, and temporal bone.