Chartres Cathedral marks the high point of French Gothic art. The vast nave, in pure ogival style, the porches adorned with fine sculptures from the middle of the 12th century, and the magnificent ...
In France, it can be seen at Rouen Cathedral and Sainte ... architecture eventually evolved into Gothic, swapping thick walls for thin ones and small windows for large ones. The Renaissance ...
There are few buildings in New York City that have witnessed more Irish American history than Old St. Patrick’s Cathedral on ...
The Cathedral of St Etienne of Bourges, built between the late 12th and late 13th centuries, is one of the great masterpieces of Gothic art and is admired for its proportions and the unity of its ...
The most memorable cathedrals are in one form or other ... This became possible, and windows became bigger, as the Gothic skeletal system of piers, vaults, ribs, pointed arches and buttresses ...
The Gothic cathedral, St Michael's of Coventry ... Events have taken their toll on the cathedral. The West Window was smashed by the Roundheads during the English Civil War in the 1600s.
Whether you're a fan of specific styles like Gothic and Renaissance or enjoy ... heights and are lit up by large stained glass windows. The Rouen Cathedral encompasses all these dramatic aspects ...
The Gothic cathedral's construction began in the late ... commenting on the elaborate altarpieces, stained-glass windows and impressive statues. Many recommended a stroll through the cloisters ...