Did climate change amplify the Santa Ana ... have warmed since reasonably accurate global measurements began to become available in 1880. This chart is an ugly pile-o-data, isn't it?
Minimizing the damage from climate change requires investments in mitigation and adaptation to increase ninefold and thirteenfold, respectively, by 2050 — equivalent to around 1% to 2% of cumulative ...
The latest deadline for countries to submit plans for slashing the greenhouse gas emissions fueling climate change has passed ...
B arbados Prime Minister Mia Mottley has become a leading champion of small economies in global climate discussions. And so I ...
New analysis finds the effects of climate change were evident in nearly all regions of the world in recent months ...
Earth’s frozen places — ice sheets, glaciers and permafrost — are melting: a clear sign of climate change and a planet ...
Even if you’ve never heard of Michael Mann, you will have felt his baleful influence on your energy bills. He is the inventor ...