There are similarities between the AfD and Republican electoral strategies. The AfD is the party of the “left-behinds” in Germany, most notably in East German states such as Saxony and Thuringia.
G ERMANY’S DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE AGENCY has classified part of the AfD, founded in 2013, as extremist, warning that it is a “danger to democracy.” (In 2017, the AfD became the first far-right party to ...
Talking to voters about the many non-conspiracy reasons they vote for a far-right party can help break "the glass door." ...
New York Times columnist and former Republican ... political morality is to read Carl Schmitt, a German political theorist who joined the Nazi Party after Hitler became chancellor.
Ekrem İmamoğlu’s detention “is depressing for democracy in Turkey, but it is certainly also depressing for relations between Europe and Turkey,” says German chancellor.