Trains on Metra's Milwaukee District North Line have been halted near Lake Forest after a freight train struck a pedestrian, ...
In a January 13 robbery, suspects cut an air brake hose on a BNSF freight train traveling through a remote section of Arizona and made off with more than 1,900 pairs of unreleased Nikes worth more ...
In Perrin, Ariz., thieves allegedly cut an air brake hose on a BNSF freight train on Jan. 13 and unloaded 1,985 pairs of unreleased Nikes worth more than $440,000, according to a criminal ...
Video taken from across the street at Beaver Meadow Veterinary Clinic showed the moment the station building went down under the weight of snow. "It sounded like a freight train," Fire Chief Kevin ...
Metra’s trains on the Milwaukee District North Line were halted Friday afternoon in the north suburbs after a freight train fatally struck a man in his 70s, according to the Lake Forest Police ...
An unidentified man in his 70s was killed at a railroad crossing Friday afternoon, leading to extensive delays on Metra’s Milwaukee District North Line and Amtrak's Hiawatha service, which shares ...