Natural cycles in Earth's rotational axis and its orbit around the sun drive climatic changes, and now researchers have ...
Changes in Earth's tilt relative to the sun have governed the movements of giant ice sheets over the past 800,000 years, triggering the start and end of eight ice ages ... researchers estimated that ...
Between 18,000 and 11,000 years ago, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere suddenly shot up. This caused rapid ...
An ice age should begin in about 10,000 years ... which orbital characteristic has the most influence on the start and end of ice ages, according to a news release from the University of ...
The housing market's Ice Age is finally thawing, with buyers and sellers showing signs that they're ready to get moving again ...
They also stand in three decidedly different camps regarding why America's rich complement of big animals went extinct quite suddenly at the end of the Ice Age. The three camps are known tongue in ...
Unfortunately, the shifting climate at the end of the ice age, combined with the competition with humans for food, led to the demise of the dire wolf and many other ancient predators about 10,000 ...
A new analysis suggests the onset of the next ice age could be expected in 10,000 years ... One type of change in Earth's orbit was responsible for the end of ice ages, while another was ...
New Zealand's bird life has been shaped by repeated invasions since the Ice Age, with many species arriving from Australia as the landscape transitioned from forest to grass and shrubland.
"The prediction is that the next ice age will begin within the next 10,000 years," Barker, a professor of Earth science at Cardiff University in the U.K., told Live Science. However, this result ...
Between 18,000 and 11,000 years ago, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere suddenly shot up. This caused rapid global warming, the mass melting of glaciers, and the end of the last ice age.