Seen in this view of the brain with about one quarter removed ... as parrots can teach and learn hundreds or even thousands of different calls, the basic communication skill that makes human ...
Having dedicated his career to understanding human brains, Eagleman shared his perspective in Newsweek's AI Impact interview ...
The parts of the brain that are needed to remember words, and how these are affected by a common form of epilepsy, have been identified by a team of neurologists and neurosurgeons at UCL.
As animals experience new things, the connections between neurons, called synapses, strengthen or weaken in response to ...
By revealing for the first time what happens in the brain when an animal makes a mistake, researchers are shedding light on the holy grail of neuroscience: the mechanics of how we learn. The team ...
The results challenge some of the classical views about how the ... keys of a piano can compose many different melodies, the neurons in the motor areas of our brain create complex synergies ...