(The Conversation) – A shortage of cocoa beans has led to a near shutdown of processing plants in Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana, the two countries responsible for 60% of global production.
Fava beans also have nutritional advantages ... There are also ways to incorporate even more natural components from the ...
Idukki’s Mankuva cocoa, a rare and premium variety of cocoa cultivated along the Chinnar river is now on its way to securing ...
The price per ton of cocoa ended 2024 with a 178.2% surge, closing at $11,675 after reaching an all-time high of $12,931.
US researchers found flavanols – plant chemicals that are abundant in cocoa beans – improved performance in a list-learning task for people aged between 50 and 75. Flavanols belong to a group ...
The silos in Tema, built by Dr . Kwame Nkrumah to store cocoa beans and wait for the right price have never hosted a single ...
Thousands of cocoa farmers across Indonesia are working with businesses and other organizations to protect their crops ...
The beans are then removed from the pods with their surrounding pulp. Workers fill sacks with cocoa beans in Kahin village at the edge of the Scio forest reserve in Duekoue, Ivory Coast.
But agriculture modernisation efforts have encouraged the development of "full-sun" monocrop plantations that only focus on growing cocoa beans, without the use of companion plants or trees.