(The Conversation) – A shortage of cocoa beans has led to a near shutdown of processing plants in Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana, the two countries responsible for 60% of global production.
Cocoa, known as the 'Food of Gods', is revered for its rich flavor and nutritional benefits. Derived from the cacao tree, it offers various health adv ...
The Marjorie McNeely Conservatory at Como Park is a wonderful winter sanctuary for the family. Imagine two full acres of ...
A chocolatier has told how the increasing price of raw ingredients to make the sweet treats has made the last 12 months "the ...
The silos in Tema, built by Dr . Kwame Nkrumah to store cocoa beans and wait for the right price have never hosted a single ...
Thousands of cocoa farmers across Indonesia are working with businesses and other organizations to protect their crops ...
But agriculture modernisation efforts have encouraged the development of “full-sun” monocrop plantations that only focus on ...
Soaring cocoa prices are raising interest in turning Nigeria into a more impactful player in the sector, with hopes of ...
The beans are then removed from the pods with their surrounding pulp. Workers fill sacks with cocoa beans in Kahin village at the edge of the Scio forest reserve in Duekoue, Ivory Coast.
But agriculture modernisation efforts have encouraged the development of "full-sun" monocrop plantations that only focus on growing cocoa beans, without the use of companion plants or trees.