When I was young (with hair only on my head), it was rare to find Baganda, born and bred in Buganda, who could not write proper Luganda. Luganda was taught in many Buganda schools, and Luganda ...
Bloomington: Indiana University Press. Musisi, Nakanyike. 1991. “Women, ‘Elite Polygyny,' and Buganda State Formation”, Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 16. Nicholson, Linda. 1986.
He casts doubts about Buganda being the origin of the Abasuba ... and were later assimilated into their hosts’ culture. Although the Suba are some of the few people in Kenya to trace their ...
Bark-cloth making is an ancient craft of the Baganda people who live in the Buganda kingdom in southern Uganda. Traditionally, craftsmen of the Ngonge clan, headed by a kaboggoza, the hereditary chief ...
Kabaka claims that the Kaazi land rightfully belongs to Buganda Kingdom, as it was allocated under the 1900 Buganda Agreement and has been lawfully passed down through successive kings. Thank you for ...