To give an idea of where his head was at, the Terrence Malick serial killer film Badlands was a major influence, and Springsteen addressed the subject matter directly in the song "Nebraska." ...
There’s this prevailing idea that Bruce Springsteen represents America ... to “Prove It All Night,” “Hungry Heart,” “Badlands ...
Springsteen's personal experiences and the film "Badlands" by Terrence Malick influenced ... a unique glimpse into the heart and soul of Bruce Springsteen's musical legacy.
Springsteen's personal experiences and the film "Badlands" by Terrence Malick influenced ... a unique glimpse into the heart and soul of Bruce Springsteen's musical legacy.
Scott Cooper is writing to direct Deliver Me From Nowhere, a narrative feature about Bruce Springsteen and the ... The Terrence Malick film Badlands was a major influence including the song ...