KAZAKHSTAN: Production of 19 four-car trainsets for Astana's future elevated light metro line is underway at the CRRC ...
News and other data on this web site are provided for information purposes only, and are not intended for republication or redistribution. Republication or redistribution of Interfax content, ...
In January 1904 the first train from Orenburg to the Kubek station (Kazalinsk ... In late 2001, Air Astana Airline was incorporated, and its maiden flight was on the 15th May 2002.
ASTANA. March 20 (Interfax) - The CIS Rail Transport Council has introduced a temporary conventional ban on the transport of a number of goods from Kazakhstan to Russia at the request of Russian ...
ASIA: A rail and sea freight service from India to Kazakhstan has been developed by Kazakhstan's KTZ Kedentransservice, ...
The total route length will be almost 5,900 km, including almost 1,600 km by sea and 4,300 km by rail ASTANA, March 4. /TASS/. The first container train en route fron the Indian port of Mundra to ...