Whether you tune into reality TV occasionally or consider yourself an entertainment aficionado, you've likely heard of Rob ...
“Boston” Rob Mariano and Amber Mariano (née Brkich) of Survivor fame. This April, Rob and Amber will mark 20 years of marriage, which isn’t too shabby for a couple who was once accused of ...
"It worked. Lex saved Amber. Then in typical Survivor fashion, Rob voted Lex out. Amber went on to win that season. Rob and Amber got married and now have four amazing girls together." Whether it ...
When fans think of the ultimate Survivor romance, "Boston" Rob Mariano and Amber Brkich often come to mind, but Joe and Sierra have a similar love story that all started on Survivor: Worlds Apart.
Death row inmate Wendell Grissom is set to be executed Thursday. In 2005, KOCO's Jessica Schambach interviewed a survivor of his deadly attack.