Sustainable fishing policies passed in the 1970s have backfired in rural Native villages, where many family-run boats have raised their hooks and nets for good.
Commercial fishermen and seafood processors and distributors looking to switch to new, lower-carbon emission systems say the ...
Captain Dan Veerhusen and Jan, his wife, run the Taurus, one of the few remaining boats that still fish herring in the Bering ...
A U.S. district court judge has rejected a lawsuit seeking a new environmental impact study of the Bering Sea commercial ...
The judge agreed with the National Marine Fisheries Service that its review of the annual harvest specifications sufficiently ...
The Tanana Chiefs Conference and the Association of Village Council Presidents had sued the federal government.
A federal judge in Juneau has sentenced a Southeast Alaska fisher to six months in federal prison after pleading guilty last ...
NOAA Fisheries has declined to release numbers on the scope of the cutbacks to date, which has left congressional delegations ...
Dugan Paul Daniels of Coffman Cove, Alaska, U.S.A., violated the U.S. Endangered Species Act by having one of his crew shoot ...
Alaska fisherman Dugan Daniels was sentenced to six months for falsifying records and attempting to kill an endangered sperm ...