Alaska salmon that begin their lives in hatcheries and are released to the sea as fingerlings, return home as adults and ...
In response to these provocations, Sen. Sullivan led a years-long campaign to secure broad U.S. sanctions on ...
And as soon as Alaska became a state, the hated fish traps were abolished. Alaska committed itself to science-based salmon management and over the following decades things improved. By the mid ...
Over the last ten years there has been a steady decline in hatchery-reared salmon making their mark on Alaska’s economy.
Utilizing the chitin in crab shells could add more than $10 million in first wholesale value. In fact, the ASMI report shows ...
The Tanana Chiefs Conference and the Association of Village Council Presidents had sued the federal government.
Aquaculture is not new, however, and has been practiced for hundreds of years, and ranges from Pre-Columbian fish traps in ...